Day One
Jerusalem to Tel-Aviv

by Nissim Otmazgin

by Nissim Otmazgin

by Nissim Otmazgin

by Nissim Otmazgin

by Daivd Sa'ad

by Daivd Sa'ad

by Daivd Sa'ad

by Daivd Sa'ad
Afterward at Hebrew University in Jerusalem Miss Watanabe had a
an open discussion with Prof. Otmazgin, The dean of the Faculty of Humanitie, and the students of the East Asian Studies department.
Miss Watanabe spook of how the competition has become a platform for female expression, ideology and leadership, aspects which we, in New-IJ, appreciate and enhance. She also talked about being multiracial in Japan and her plans in the future to be involved with mental health issues in Japan world-wide.
Early In The morning we picked Miss Watanabe and arrived at Jerusalem. Our first visit was to the Islamic Art Museumjlm , where Juri san saw all kinds of Islamic arts belongs to Islamic cultures from all over the world. The most impressive was the watches collection, one of the tree largest collection.





Osnat Ito and Juri Watanabe

Osnat Ito and Juri Watanabe

Sompo Digital Lab Tel Aviv greet Miss Watanabe and New-IJ memmbers with a warm welcome lead By Yinon Dolev, head of Somopo TLV brench, and Einav Marglit the office manager.
During the visit we heard about all of the company ongoing work, the new technology they are working on and their intrest in Japan.
The first day tour ended with a wonderful dinner at Tampopo Sushi Bar owend by Osnat Ito.
As a social entrepreneur Miss Wattenba came to discuss with Mr. Medved, CEO of OurCrowd, on the subject of the environment. Mr. Medved presented us a variety of sustainability-related patents on the subject of water desalination and the environmentalism.
Throughout the week we will be update on other interesting Miss Watenba encounters with various companies.